Fukyu Kata dai Ichi
Fukyu Kata dai Ichi Fukyu Kata dai Ichi for Gojuryu Karatedo from Seiwakai Karate JKF Gojukai Silicon Valley
Fukyu Kata dai Ichi Fukyu Kata dai Ichi for Gojuryu Karatedo from Seiwakai Karate JKF Gojukai Silicon Valley
For all 'experienced' class participants and team members near and far (North Nor-Cal and interstate), June is here and you should now have a firm grasp of: Shimabukuro no Sai dai ichi Nanahon Kumite and Oyo Ido Anan kata We will continue to advance through the coming months with: Shimabukuro
By Johnpaul Williams Introduction: Understanding Karate Pedigree Martial
USA Karate (USANKF) updated rules for karate competition