Japan Karatedō Federation Organizational Chart 日本空手道連盟組織図 (JKF Soshiki)

Japan Karatedō Federation Organizational Chart 日本空手道連盟組織図 JKF Soshiki [caption id="attachment_2048" align="aligncenter" width="642"] Old JKF Soshiki relating to the International Community[/caption] The hierarchy of the Japan Karatedō Federation is so often misinterpreted or re-interpreted that it often leads to a loss in faith as many followers of the federation are unaware

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Senpai Josh

Understanding Ōsu 押忍: Jargon for Respect and Discipline in Karate

Ōssu, Ōss, Ōssss! 押忍: “The Ō word.” Unveiling the Essence of “Ōss”: From Karate Dojo to Linguistic Exploration... All Gojuryu Network ( & SKSV ( cross-post By Johnpaul Williams - April 1, 2024.  The Ōssu Conundrum: Navigating Nuances of a Nonconventional Japanese Martial Arts Vocabulary In the world of traditional

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Karate Sensei - Leading the dojo

Territorial Possessiveness in the Dōjō

Territorial Possessiveness in the Dōjō All Gojuryu Network ( & SKSV ( cross-post By Johnpaul Williams - Feb 13, 2024 Introduction "At our club in the 1990s, I wasn't the 'King of the Dōjō'—that was a tacit moniker reserved for our Shihan (Sensei). I was the Big Man on Campus (BMOC)

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Menlo Park Recreation registration

Return to training 2024

Return to training 2024 By Johnpaul Williams – January 11, 2024 Welcome back to training and again Happy New Year! If you hadn't seen the previous Happy New Year message, it is posted at - We have returned to training however just as fast as it started, please remember that there

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Johnpaul Williams receives his Seiwakai Gojuryu Karatedo Kyoshi (advanced teachers license).

2024 New Year Wishes

2024 New Year Wishes All Gojuryu Network ( & SKSV ( cross-post By Johnpaul Williams – January 3, 2024 Dear Members, Families, and Friends of Seiwakai Karate Silicon Valley, [caption id="attachment_1689" align="alignright" width="300"] Vassie Naidoo Shihan (LA) Alexandra Alan (MP) Takahashi Satoru (JP), Johnpaul Williams (MP), Shiho Azuma Williams (MP) and Sanjit Mandal (TV). USA

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December 2023 JKF Gojukai Newsletter P1

JKF Gojukai Newsletter (Kaihoshi) December 2023 (Japanese only)

JKF Gojukai Newsletter (Kaihoshi) December 2023 (Japanese only) All Gojuryu Network ( & SKSV ( cross-post By Johnpaul Williams – December 24, 2023 In the summer of 2023, we attended the 49th JKF Gojukai Taikai in Osaka Japan. The events and results of the convention and competition are reported in the semi-annual JKF Gojukai Newsletter which

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Karate certificates for Seiwakai Gojuryu Karatedo in Silicon Valley

Seiwakai Karate Silicon Valley Q4 2024 message

Cross posted via email (club specific links included) Welcome and welcome back [caption id="attachment_1557" align="alignright" width="211"] Silicon Valley Gōjūkan dba SEIWAKAI KARATE SILICON VALLEY per JKF Gōjūkai registration[/caption] By Johnpaul Williams – September 12, 2023 To our new members, a warm welcome to our group. We typically send out informational messages to

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Senshu Koen Park located in Akita City, Japan, built at Kubota-jo Castle, former castle of the Satake clan, the feudal lords of Akita

The Japan training expedition – it’s not a vacation

Preparing for Your Summer Budo Gasshuku in Japan: A Guide for Participants All Gojuryu Network ( & SKSV ( cross-post By Johnpaul Williams – August 31, 2023 Many Sensei and instructors have undoubtedly prepared their students for summer budo (Karatedō, judo, kendo, etc.) Gasshuku, but sometimes, written instructions can be invaluable. Some portions of

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Big Karate Kata do-gi review

Do-gi Review for 10 Kata Model Dogi from 8 Brands All Gojuryu Network ( & SKSV ( cross-post By Johnpaul Williams – August 29, 2023 Before my trip to Japan in August 2023, I decided to undertake the task of reviewing 10 Kata model dogi from 8 different brands. As someone who stands at 6'3"

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