Elevating Karatedō Practice: Mirror vs. Video for self-training

Elevating Karatedō Practice: Mirror vs. Video for self-training All Gojuryu Network ( & SKSV ( cross-post By Johnpaul Williams – March 27, 2023 Introduction In the sacred space of Karatedō practice at home, the choice between using a traditional mirror or embracing modern video recordings as training aids sparks a fascinating debate. In this

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Akita newspaper featuring karate from 2001

説明が必要な不正確な日本の新聞 Rectifying the Record: Challenging an Inaccurate Newspaper Report in Japan

説明が必要な不正確な日本の新聞 Inaccurate Japan Newspaper Report. All Gojuryu Network ( & SKSV ( cross-post By Johnpaul Williams – March 11, 2023 Introduction 10年以上にわたり、私は背後に潜むこの問題について考え続けてきました。今日、日本の友人からのTwitterメッセージに刺激され、事実を明らかにする必要を感じています。 Background 2001年の夏、具体的には7月28日、合宿中に大曲大仙市の地元新聞社が港沢支局で私に取材を行いました。 The Misrepresentation 掲載された記事は、私が決して行っていない発言を私のものとしています。それによれば、私は米国人として、「子供のころはワルだったが、空手と出会ってからは問題がなくなった。二段昇段試験を控えて少し緊張している。が、きっと大丈夫だ」と述べたとされています。 [caption id="attachment_1325" align="alignright" width="297"] Shoganai - July 28th, the local newspaper in Omagari Daisen Akita, Japan, Minato-Sawa Branch.[/caption] Clarification and Correction 掲載された言葉とはまったく異なる私の実際の発言について明確に述べました。私は具体的に、「子供の頃、いくつかの里親の家にいて、いつでもどこでも空手に戻った。」と伝え、その後、トラブルに巻き込まれないためにポリス・キャデッツ(ジュニア・ポリス・オフィス・プログラム - 警察官バッジ番号185B)に参加し、デアンザ・カレッジの刑事司法訓練課程に入る前に、常設の道場を見つけました。さらに、「私の道場ではすでに三段で、ここでの二段の試験もそれほど緊張していません」と続けました。 Impact and Offensiveness 新聞記事の不正確さは私だけでなく、ホストの道場や藤原先生、そして関わるすべてのアメリカ人に不快感をもたらしました。こうした誤伝には、新聞社または翻訳者が露骨な人種差別主義者であるか、悪意を持って誤りを広めた可能性があるという懸念があります。 Awaiting

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Karate Visitors week! March 2023

Visitors week is next week, March 6th and 8th 2023. We'll have several guests popping in through the month of March especially next week. They include long time players on travel, local beginners and visiting dojo. All the visitors will be messaged explaining that: Training in Menlo Park is every

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Karate Sports Disciplines from the Spotlight of the Paradigm Shift of Japanese Combat Systems: Analytical Study

Karate Sports Disciplines from the Spotlight of the Paradigm Shift of Japanese Combat Systems: Analytical Study

Karate Sports Disciplines from the Spotlight of the Paradigm Shift of Japanese Combat Systems: Analytical Study By: Anatoliy Lozovyy - February 2023 Published by: Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - ISSN: 2956-4581 Abstract: Background: Nowadays, many karate organizations hold their own competitions at various levels, up to and including

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Training registration: March – June 2023

Due to a technical issue, the Beginners Traditional Karate classes may be listed under “adult sports” and Experienced Traditional Karate classes may be listed under “adult classes” on Menlo Park Recreation's registration page. To simplify finding the registration we have sourced the registration pages listing them below. Beginners training

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Karate: The Dynamic Harmony of Budo and Bujutsu

Introduction: In the rich tapestry of Japanese martial arts, Karate emerges as a captivating fusion of Budo and Bujutsu—two philosophies that shape its essence. Delving into the intricate balance of personal development and combat prowess, this exploration unravels the layers of Karate's journey from its roots in traditional Okinawan martial

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武道の指導系統 – A Brief Comparative Hierarchical Structure of Karate Leadership

The concept of the Karate chain of command embodies a structured system of authority and responsibility within the Karate organization. It serves as the guiding force directing and overseeing the actions of individuals within the martial arts community. This hierarchical framework establishes a clear line of authority, communication, and responsibility,

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Karate: Martial Art or Military Science…

Marts Arts : Martial Sciences : Military Arts : Military Sciences Karate is a martial art that originated in Okinawa, Japan and it is a system of codified practices and traditions of training for combat. Karate involves the use of various forms of unarmed combat, utilizing striking techniques (e.g. punches,

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January 2023 SKSV News & Updates

Welcome back family and friends of SKSV and for those just beginning, welcome! The last few years have been... interesting but we persevered. We did it because we are Budo-ka and that's what we do; we endure, and we thrive. Thank you for sticking through with training and apologies ahead

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Martin Luther King MLK holiday

We hear that all municipal facilities are closed tomorrow due to the Martin Luther King holiday. We'll do a double check however; we believe there's no training as the Menlo Park Recreation (Arrillaga) will be closed. Please check the SKSV WhatsApp for faster updates or to chime into the conversation.

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Training postponed tonight

Unfortunately, due to our major storm (category 5) tonight, training is postponed. We will work with Arrillaga Family Recreation Center for a make up class. This includes both the 5:45 pm beginners' class and the 7:00 experienced training. Stay safe out there. JP

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January 2023 Training Schedule and Enrollment

Due to a technical issue, the Beginners Traditional Karate classes are listed under “adult sports” and Experienced Traditional Karate classes are listed under “adult classes” on Menlo Park Recreation's registration page. To simplify finding the registration we have sourced the registration pages listing them below. Beginners training on Mondays and

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JKF Gojukai Newsletter 2022 November 21

JKF Gojukai Newsletter (Kaihoshi) November 2022 (Japanese only)

JKF Gojukai Newsletter (Kaihoshi) November 2022 (Japanese only) All Gojuryu Network ( & SKSV ( cross-post By Johnpaul Williams – December 16, 2022 While the ( page is being reconstructed, we occasionally re-syndicate media such as the JKF Gojukai Newsletter December 2022 which is distributed twice a year, Enjoy! [pdf-embedder url="" title="JKF Gojukai Newsletter

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