Before we present our Dōjō curriculum we must first provide general rules (Dōjō etiquette – Dōjō reigi 道場礼儀). Please have a thorough understanding of these respectful gestures before continuing on to the password protected curriculum.
- (NEW!) If you have a cough or sneeze, please wear a viral containment mask and gloves.
- If you have a fever, flu, or any other symptoms of a contagion (ie – Covid / Corona Virus), please do not attend and instead join the ZOOM session.
- It is strongly recommended that all attendees participating wear a N95 / KN94 containment mask until our regional Covid / Corona transmission rate is R0≤1.
- Arrive early … always.
- Karate-dō begins and ends with respect.
- This applies to the training floor and all attendees.
- Bow upon arrival and departure, as well as
- Bow upon the beginning and ending of each exercise or kata.
- Do not wear jewelry of any kind during training.
- Keep your body clean and nails trimmed for yourself and for others.
- If you can smell you … others can smell you.
- Wear your Dōgi clean and with pride.
- There is no kumite without the supervision of Shihan, Sensei or senior Senpai.
- Observe the historical traditions of training and Budō.
- Respect those older and more experienced for their hindsight.
- Respect those less experienced without pressure or duress for their growth and future.
- Respect the opinions of others and listen with an open mind. There is a moment of learning in every part of life.
- Please pay tuitions in a timely manner. Our club must pay for insurance, rentals, club memberships (JKF Gojukai, Seiwakai USA, USANKF and DNBK), ZOOM subscription, accounting, taxes, etc, on time without late penalties.
- Tuition submissions for Shelter in place, remote video training or on site sessions can be sent via Paypal, Venmo or Square and are tax deductible as SKSV in a registered non-profit.
The bulleted items which follow, contain password protected PDF downloads available for club members. Please contact Johnpaul Shihan for access.
- Beginners Terminology
- Kihon – Basic techniques. Includes basic standing positions.
- Kihon Ido ichi – First basic movements
- Kihon Ido Ni – Second basic movements
- Follow along video for Yoko Uke Shita Barai 横受け下払い Awase Tsuki 合せ突き.
- Oyo Ido (Kihon Ido San) – Third basic movements or applicable movements.
- Yakusoku Kumite Ichi – First prearranged sparring exercise
- Yakusoku Kumite Ni – Second prearranged sparring exercise
- Yohon Kumite – Four combinations (techniques) sparring exercise
- Gohon Kumite – Five combinations (techniques) sparring exercise
- Nanahon Kumite – Seven combinations (techniques) sparring exercise
- Nekoashi dachi Kumite – Sparring exercise from Cat stance
- Grading (Shinsa) application – Please complete and submit your grading application two weeks (14 days) before the date of your test.
- Dōjō reigi tadashi – Dōjō etiquette. Expanded.
- Understanding and release of Liability