Kururunfa tutorial
During our times of shelter in place, use this 12 minutes video tutorial to compliment your distance learning programs. https://youtu.be/Fc9MFYsTb2c
During our times of shelter in place, use this 12 minutes video tutorial to compliment your distance learning programs. https://youtu.be/Fc9MFYsTb2c
A message from Fujiwara Seiichi Shihan at our Seiwakai Goju Ryu Karate Dojo headquarters in Omagari Daisen Akita Japan https://www.facebook.com/528596559/posts/10156821458746560/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/seiwakaiinternational/permalink/2511576165613369/?sfnsn=mo&extid=uiIiVu6k2n2nK1O3&d=n&vh=i
Eric Higaonna Goju Ryu Karate - Kata Kururunfa
Leo Lipinski interviews Tasaki Shūji – Gōjūryū Karatedō Legends We originally published this interview to www.gojuryu.net in 2002 however Leo Lipinski Shihan had conducted the interview some years before in 1987. We would like to disseminate the original publication now as there seems to have been many modifications via re-syndication
By Johnpaul Williams Introduction: Understanding Karate Pedigree Martial
USA Karate (USANKF) updated rules for karate competition