Cross posted via email (club specific links included)
Welcome and welcome back

Silicon Valley Gōjūkan dba SEIWAKAI KARATE SILICON VALLEY per JKF Gōjūkai registration
By Johnpaul Williams – September 12, 2023
To our new members, a warm welcome to our group. We typically send out informational messages to the club and affiliates at the start of new training sessions. These messages contain important links to avoid flooding your inbox with large files. Please ensure you have a training notebook, including pages from the “SEIWAKAI KARATE SILICON VALLEY GRADING REQUIREMENTS” document. Also, introduce yourself to your fellow classmates, fostering a sense of community.
If you haven’t already, please register for your specific training session:
- Beginners training – Mondays at 5:45 pm.
- Experienced training – Mondays at 7:00 pm.
- Beginners training – Wednesdays at 5:45 pm.
- Experienced training – Wednesdays at 7:00 pm.
The August Japan Training:
As many of you know, I recently attended an annual training in Japan with our Seiwakai Honbu dojo in Akita and the JKF Gojukai, which included our convention and competition. This year, we (Seiwakai) had the honor of hosting Japan National and World Karate Federation International Champions: Ms. Ohno (Ono) Hikaru 大野 ひかる and Mr. her husband Mr. Nishiyama Kakeru 西山走.
During the closing dinner in Daisen City (Omagari) Akita, our LA-based Shihan, Vassie Naidoo, received the highest teachers’ license (Shihan Menkyo) of “Hanshi,” a rare and highly revered accomplishment.
From our club, both Alexandra Alan and Shiho Williams attended the gasshuku in Daisen City (Omagari) Akita. Alexandra also attended the JKF Gojukai gasshuku in Osaka, where she successfully completed her JKF Gojukai 2nd dan grading after having completed the same for Seiwakai in Akita just the week before.
I’ve documented some of these events in a few blog posts:
Unfortunately, upon our return, Shiho and I contracted COVID and tested positive before training.
Next Year’s 2024 Annual JKF Gōjūkai Taikai:
The 2024 annual JKF Gōjūkai taikai (convention) and the 50th competition will be held in Okinawa. Everyone is invited to attend. The Okinawa dates have been set for August 15th to 18th and Seiwakai Gojuryu Karatedo will host our training the week before, August 7th to 13th, as usual.
December Testing:
Our club’s December grading is approaching for those who are not attending the international seminar in Los Angeles. Please review the document “SEIWAKAI KARATE SILICON VALLEY GRADING REQUIREMENTS” for grading requirements.
If you have questions that aren’t found on the website at, simply respond to this email or pop into our WhatsApp group at
If you need to make use of follow along videos for home training and test prep. Please see the Follow-Along Videos for Home Training and Test Prep:
Seiwakai Kihon
Fukyu Kata dai ichi review
Gekisai dai dai ichi review
Gekisai dai ni review
Training Registration and Club Calendar:
We’ve updated the schedule page (, which includes registration links and an extensive calendar. This should help everyone plan their training schedules. If you can’t view the calendar on your mobile device, you can try this –
As usual, I’m not perfect and far from. Please let me know if I’ve missed any important dates or if you have recommendations to include.
Japan Product Order:
We are placing an order for the Mizuno Kumite safety mask and helmet combo Mizuno Kumite safety mask and helmet combo with our friends at Hirota in Japan. We will purchase at least 6 of these units for SKSV club. These are now required for competition in all JKF tournaments in Japan. If you’d like to order your own to reduce shipping costs, please let me know ASAP. You can see an example of the safety mask and helmet at –
Uniforms – your first Dō-g (keiko-gi):

Required JKF kumite gear as of 2022
Prior to our “Big Karate Kata do-gi review,” most club members had already sourced a dō-gi. For those who haven’t, we recommend two primary resources for your training uniform (keiko-gi). Please ensure the uniform has at least 6 lines of stitching at the end of the sleeves and pants. Recommended sources include:
- “KI international” is the exclusive US distributor of our standard orange label “Mugen” dō-gi found at:
- If you choose to have chest embroidery, the correct kanji characters for Seiwakai are: 誠和会.
- The orange label “Mugen” Dō-gi (Keiko-gi) are also available locally next to our annex training location in San Jose Japantown at: Nichi Bei Bussan, 140 Jackson St., San Jose CA 95112.

GŌJŪ-RYŪ KARATEDŌ 剛柔流空手道 Desk Reference 参考書 Volume 1: Introduction & Historic Chronology 武道、武術の歴史
If you have considered purchasing the book “Goju-Ryu Karate-Do Desk Reference 剛柔流空手道 参考書: Volume 1: Introduction & Historic Chronology 武道, 武術の歴史” on Amazon, please hold off on your purchase. Through my authors channel I can print copies for significantly less including shipping. If you are interested, either let me know in class or simply respond to this email.
Train hard, train often and train with your heart.
See you in training
Johnpaul Williams