Japan Karatedō Federation Organizational Chart 日本空手道連盟組織図 (JKF Soshiki)

Japan Karatedō Federation Organizational Chart


JKF Soshiki

Old JKF Soshiki relating to the International Community

Old JKF Soshiki relating to the International Community

The hierarchy of the Japan Karatedō Federation is so often misinterpreted or re-interpreted that it often leads to a loss in faith as many followers of the federation are unaware where they stand as individuals in the family. Although different subgroups and Kaiha may follow their own unique form or way of leadership, the Japan Karatedō Federation Organizational Chart 日本空手道連盟組織図 itself is unwavering.

Organizational diagram (image)

Furthermore the Japan Karatedō Federation Gōjūkai encompasses a Soshiki unto itself with a grand number of dojō and Kaikan. Each having a historic background and led by a legendary Sensei teaching the principles of Gōjūryū and Budō while developing their own unique synthesis of the style and its applications. This JKF Gōjūkai Soshiki is as follows.