Kururunfa tutorial
During our times of shelter in place, use this 12 minutes video tutorial to compliment your distance learning programs. https://youtu.be/Fc9MFYsTb2c
During our times of shelter in place, use this 12 minutes video tutorial to compliment your distance learning programs. https://youtu.be/Fc9MFYsTb2c
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Training Tips for Gekisai dai Ni The basic kata Gekisai dai ni which continues to refine the basic techniques of Nekoashi dachi, mawashi uke, make uke and introduction to Ryōshōtei Ate 両掌底当て.
https://www.instagram.com/p/B-jYY2IhFTg/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link https://www.instagram.com/tv/B-tjiUKBadp/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
The most decorated karateka in the U.S. Tom Scott shares his strength and conditioning plan.BY BRETT WILLIAMS APR 7, 2020PauseMuteTom Scott's Karate Champion Workout | Train Like Karate was slated to make its long-awaited Olympic debut at the Tokyo Games this year. That's been delayed until 2021—but for Tom Scott, possibly the most
In these uncertain times, karateka get the best of themselves and show the tenacity, values, and strength of will that are associated with the sport. First-class Karate athletes are taking social media to inspire all of us; they are showing us that we can #StayActive and practice Karate anywhere and
From "Gōjū-Ryū Karate-Dō Desk Reference 剛柔流空手道 机参照: Volume 2: Dōjō Auxiliary, Glossary & Terminology 道場の補助、用語集 と 辞書" Zarei 座礼 – Three types of Seated Bow Zarei 座礼 is performed from Seiza 正座, the formal sitting posture. As with Ritsurei 立礼 (standing bow), there are three degrees of bowing from Zarei
A message from Fujiwara Seiichi Shihan at our Seiwakai Goju Ryu Karate Dojo headquarters in Omagari Daisen Akita Japan https://www.facebook.com/528596559/posts/10156821458746560/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/seiwakaiinternational/permalink/2511576165613369/?sfnsn=mo&extid=uiIiVu6k2n2nK1O3&d=n&vh=i
April 1, 2020My friends, family and member dojo of Seiwakai USA - Goju Ryu Karatedo. I pray you are all safe and well. We are in troubling times, we are one, we are Seiwakai and we will continue to move forward post world events. Please reach out if you need
FOR KATA COMPETITORS AGES 10 and UP FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD!Would you like to compete against some of the best competitors in your age group from many different countries without having to travel? We invite you to compete in the 1st Punok Virtual Challenge!!! A virtual Kata tournament that
The International Olympic committee, paralympic committee, Tokyo 2020 organizing committee, Tokyo metropolitan government and government of Japan today agreed on new dates for the games of the Tokyo Olympics in 2021. The Tokyo 2020 games will be celebrated from July 23rd to August 8th 2021. For full details, see the
Just finished our "first time ever" remote video training. Totally new even to this! Thanks everyone that joined in from https://gojuryu.net/home-training/ and a big thanks to Mirko Buchwald & Sanjit Mandal for letting me peek into their sessions so I would have an idea if what I'm doing.
From "Gōjū-Ryū Karate-Dō Desk Reference 剛柔流空手道 机参照: Volume 2: Dōjō Auxiliary, Glossary & Terminology 道場の補助、用語集 と 辞書" Seiza 正座 & Zarei 座礼: Siting Straight and Seated Bow Seiza 正座 means “sitting straight” and is a basic upright kneeling position we use for Karate-dō 空手道 and Budō 武道 (Martial Art). Zarei
Introduction to kata Saifa, techniques and Kihon bunkai. https://youtu.be/R65aHRo2DAI https://youtu.be/thou8WAKDJo from our headquarters dojo in Omagari Daisen Akita: https://youtu.be/hJNSa1-ZyNw
From "Gōjū-Ryū Karate-Dō Desk Reference 剛柔流空手道 机参照: Volume 2: Dōjō Auxiliary, Glossary & Terminology 道場の補助、用語集 と 辞書" Rei San Soku 礼三息: To Bow with Three Breaths In Budō 武道 and Karate-dō, when performing Keirei 敬礼 (standing bow); we bend from the hips with the back straight and not curved. It’s
We are one - We are Seiwakai: A Message to the Budō and Seiwakai International Family My Esteemed Friends in Budō and the Seiwakai International Family, We are united. The mental and physical fortitudes cultivated through our 空手道 (karatedō) training bind us together, ensuring our resilience and future prosperity despite
From "Gōjū-Ryū Karate-Dō Desk Reference 剛柔流空手道 机参照: Volume 2: Dōjō Auxiliary, Glossary & Terminology 道場の補助、用語集 と 辞書" Ritsurei (Jigi) San Shurui 立礼三種類 Three Types of Standing Bow There are three degrees of bowing for both Ritsurei 立礼 (standing bow) as well as Zarei 座礼 (seated bow). The three degree of
[caption id="attachment_2236" align="alignright" width="300"] January 2025 Greeting from
[pdf-embedder url="https://gojuryu.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/kaihoshi_goju_110.pdf" title="JKF Gojukai Newsletter 2024 July 10"]