Chojun Miyagi Society Hall of Fame induction
A big bowl full of Humble Soup and many thanks for the induction into the "Chojun Miyagi Society Hall of Fame."
A big bowl full of Humble Soup and many thanks for the induction into the "Chojun Miyagi Society Hall of Fame."
Welcome back to summer! Last week, Wednesday June 1st, was our last day of the Spring karate training season. We've had SO MUCH progress and clear change in every participant and I'm humbled, having the opportunity to work with all of you. Our summer training season continues next Monday and Wednesday, June
Fukyu Kata dai Ichi Fukyu Kata dai Ichi for Gojuryu Karatedo from Seiwakai Karate JKF Gojukai Silicon Valley
Now that the debut of Karate-do is completed in the Olympics, we are back with on site - in person training combined with "ZOOM"! All access doors (for indoor training) will remain open, regardless of climate and face masks shall remain MANDATORY, unless the Covid / Corona transmission rate is R0≤1.
We're rapidly approaching 1 year in Corona Virus lockdown and still going strong via online video training (Zoom) and some outdoor public space training. It's not easy but it is what it is. Beginning next Tuesday March 16 we will hold weekly outdoor classes in Menlo Park at 6:00 pm
The 25th anniversary of Gojuryu Karate Beach Training is re-scheduled for September 26th! (Unfortunately, the air quality index reports for the original date of September 12th were double that of Sept 11th instead of the projected 1/2, therefor, our Karate event at Montera State Beach is rescheduled to September 26th) From the roots
Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, this is event has been postponed until further notice. Hey everyone, mark your calendars. On Saturday August 29th 2020, we have our next Seiwakai Goju-Ryu Karate-Do Zoom training led by Shihan Vassie Naidoo - 8th Dan, USA Head Instructor and Vice-President of Seiwakai International. link
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A message from Fujiwara Seiichi Shihan at our Seiwakai Goju Ryu Karate Dojo headquarters in Omagari Daisen Akita Japan
Our club never really pushed reviews however now that there are a few posted, feel free to add a few more! We're grateful to have wonderful members training with us.
By Johnpaul Williams Introduction: Understanding Karate Pedigree Martial
USA Karate (USANKF) updated rules for karate competition